
The First Crispr-Edited Salad Is Here

A startup used gene editing to make mustard greens more appetizing to consumers. Next up: fruits.

This Is the Quietest Sound in the Universe

Chill materials to extreme temperatures, and their vibrations show properties that could one day be exploited to create memory in...

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A New Study Reveals the Traits That Speed Up Evolution

The first large-scale comparison of DNA mutation rates in 68 different vertebrate species gives insights into how quickly life can...

The Mystery of Fish Deaths in a Foul Chartreuse Sea

Researchers in Kotzebue, Alaska, are investigating why their town is increasingly playing host to harmful cyanobacteria.

Why Suicide Rates Are Dropping Around the World

Over the past couple of decades, global suicide prevention efforts have reduced deaths by a third—but some countries are falling behind.

What Do a Falling Apple and an Orbiting Moon Have in Common?

Isaac Newton connected the two motions in a way that revolutionized physics and made space travel possible.

Your Dog Is a Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Cancer

Every year, thousands of pets develop tumors very similar to those found in people. Find drugs that work for canines, and human treatments...

The Weird Way Australia’s Bushfires Influenced a Weirder...

In 2019 and 2020, the out-of-control blazes sent clouds of smoke across the Pacific, where they brightened clouds and cooled the ocean.

The Far North Is Burning—and Turning Up the Heat on the...

Wildfires and human meddling are transforming the Arctic and its surroundings from a carbon sink into a carbon emitter, exacerbating...

The End of the Covid Emergency Is a Warning

The highest alerts are being unraveled globally. But with some 7 million people dead, there are hard lessons to learn from the pandemic—and...