
New Alzheimer’s Drugs Offer Subtle Benefits—With Real Risks

Antibody treatments clear amyloid protein from patients’ brains, slowing the progression of their disease but potentially inducing...

How to Close the Gender Health Gap

Women’s health care and outcomes have long come a poor second to those of men. But new initiatives and a wave of healthtech innovators...

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New York City Is Sinking. It’s Far From Alone

The Big Apple is subsiding under its own weight. But other coastal cities are also dramatically descending, just as seas are rising.

How NASA Plans to Melt the Moon—and Build on Mars

Scientists are testing ways to construct buildings on Mars and the moon without hauling materials from Earth. One possible solution:...

The Planet Can’t Sustain Rapid Growth Much Longer

Economic data expert Gaya Herrington says overconsumption has brought the world to a dangerous tipping point, but there’s still time...

Gene Therapy in the Womb Is Inching Closer to Reality

Treatment in utero could cure diseases before birth. Recent advances in lab animals may bring medicine closer to achieving it—but...

Axiom’s Second Flight Paves the Way for a Commercial Space...

The spaceflight sets the stage for the aging International Space Station's private successors, and for an influx of paying customers.

Primitive Asgard Cells Show Life on the Brink of Complexity

As researchers race to cultivate these intriguing cells from the deep seafloor, the few growing in labs are our best glimpses of the...

Hippos Are in Trouble. Will ‘Endangered’ Status Save Them?

Animal welfare groups are pushing the US to restrict the import of hippo parts. But experts argue that that policy is limited, and...

The Looming El Niño Could Cost the World Trillions of Dollars

Warming waters in the Pacific can trigger droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall around the world, potentially leading to $3 trillion...