
How Do You Make a Robot Walk on Mars? It's a Steep Challenge

Meet SpaceBok, a little four-legged machine that's taking the first steps toward walking on the Red Planet's brutal terrain.

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?

Before we can even begin to talk about these computers' potential applications, we need to understand the fundamental physics behind...

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When the Bison Come Back, Will the Ecosystem Follow?

An effort to bring wild buffalo to the Great Plains aims to restore one of the world’s most endangered landscapes and increase climate...

A New Way to Understand the Brain's Intricate Rhythm

Researchers have found evidence in humans that individual neurons time their firing to a deeper beat. But there’s a mystery: What...

How Risky Is It to Send Jeff Bezos to the Edge of Space?

Today's commercial spacecraft have a safety advantage, thanks to simpler designs and suborbital missions. But with rockets, nothing...

How to Protect Species and Save the Planet—at Once

A major new report calls on humanity to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises simultaneously. Here's what that might look like.

Watch Drones Fly Through a Fake Forest Without Crashing

Each copter doesn’t just track where the others are. It constantly predicts where they’ll go.

Your Clothes Spew Microfibers Before They’re Even Clothes

The clothing supply chain releases some 265 million pounds of microfibers that wash into the environment each year.

Could Brain Training Help Address Police Brutality?

New neuroscience-based technologies aim to improve decisionmaking under pressure. But solving systemic problems will take a lot more...

A New Way to Shape Metal Nanoparticles—With a Magnetic...

Making the tiny nanoparticles used in everything from electronics to paint isn't easy. But a new experiment creates order out of chaos.