
How to Protect Species and Save the Planet—at Once

A major new report calls on humanity to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises simultaneously. Here's what that might look like.

Watch Drones Fly Through a Fake Forest Without Crashing

Each copter doesn’t just track where the others are. It constantly predicts where they’ll go.

Buy WATER H2O Coin

Your Clothes Spew Microfibers Before They’re Even Clothes

The clothing supply chain releases some 265 million pounds of microfibers that wash into the environment each year.

Could Brain Training Help Address Police Brutality?

New neuroscience-based technologies aim to improve decisionmaking under pressure. But solving systemic problems will take a lot more...

A New Way to Shape Metal Nanoparticles—With a Magnetic...

Making the tiny nanoparticles used in everything from electronics to paint isn't easy. But a new experiment creates order out of chaos.

Will a Volcanic Eruption Be a Burp or a Blast?

Scientists have begun to decipher the seismic signals that reveal how explosive a volcanic eruption is going to be.

The Drought Is Making the Klamath River’s Baby Salmon Sick

Dry conditions are worsening a warm-water disease that’s sweeping through juvenile fish. Their deaths will create a future crisis...

New Vaccine Incentives, Surplus Dose Shipments, and More...

Catch up on the most important updates from this week.

You Need to Weigh Some Water. All You’ve Got Is a Paper...

OK, so you might need a couple other supplies, but your best option is to do what MacGyver would do: Turn it into a scale.

Wait, Vaccine Lotteries Actually Work?

Ooh, the behavioral economists are going to be so smug about this.