
The Unwritten Laws of Physics for Black Women

I just wanted to be a scientist, not a trailblazer. But in my field, people like me are anomalies—and we face constant scrutiny for...

The Secret to Tastier Fake Meat? Breeding Better Beans

Scientists are using genomics to create high-protein soybeans and peas. Their aim? To make meat and milk substitutes that can rival...

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The Next Challenge for Solid-State Batteries? Making Lots...

Startups like Solid Power are beginning to roll out solid-state batteries that meet the needs of EVs. But hurdles remain for manufacturing...

A New Kind of Genome Editing Is Here to Fine-Tune DNA

Instead of deleting genes, epigenetic editing modulates their activity. A new paper tests if it’s able to undo a genetic effect of...

Mathematicians Transcend a Geometric Theory of Motion

More than 30 years ago, Andreas Floer changed geometry. Now, two mathematicians have finally figured out how to extend his revolutionary...

The FDA May Nix the Word ‘Milk’ From Your Almond Milk Carton

Dairy groups have argued that using the name for plant-based drinks confuses people. Critics say their real motivation is declining...

Just How Hard Is Thor’s Battle Chain Workout?

In his upcoming movie, the Norse god of thunder has to get back into shape—but does it take superhero strength to exercise like he...

The First Privately Funded Killer Asteroid Spotter Is Here

Researchers at the B612 Foundation’s Asteroid Institute developed a new tool for tracking space-rock trajectories—even with limited...

Welcome to the Great Reinfection

A repeat encounter with Covid used to be a rarity. But now that Omicron has changed the game, expect reinfections to be the new normal.

Smaller Reactors May Still Have a Big Nuclear Waste Problem

A new generation of reactors promises a nuclear energy renaissance, but critics say the US needs to figure out what to do about its...