Global News

Grand Canyon to make second run at corralling bison herd...

Grand Canyon to make second run at corralling bison herd  The RecorderFLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — In the two years since the Grand...

Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy purchases 62...

Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy purchases 62 acres near Appalachian Trail  The Albany HeraldASHEVILLE — In July,...

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Climate change: Greenland's ice faces melting 'death sentence'

The massive ice sheet covering Greenland may have melted by a record amount this year, scientists say.

Water Wednesday: North West Province has very little water...

Water Wednesday: North West Province has very little water resources  Alberton RecordAccording to the Department of Water...

Backers Of Sports Betting Referendum Seek To Save Colorado...

Backers Of Sports Betting Referendum Seek To Save Colorado Water Resources  GamblingComplianceShould taxes paid on sports...

Why SB 1 Must Ensure that CESA Applies to the federal CVP...

Why SB 1 Must Ensure that CESA Applies to the federal CVP  Natural Resources Defense CouncilHaving made it through eight...

Greenland's rapidly vanishing glaciers

The BBC's David Shukman returns to the Sermilik glacier that he last visited in 2004.

Water main valve maintenance scheduled in parts of Lynchburg...

Water main valve maintenance scheduled in parts of Lynchburg  WSETLYNCHBURG, Va. (WSET) -- Beginning Wednesday, September...

Empire Live: Juneauites give testimony of proposed changes...

Empire Live: Juneauites give testimony of proposed changes to water quality regulations  Juneau Empire4:35 p.m.. Tabor has...

European Commission expresses ‘concerns’ about Irish water...

European Commission expresses ‘concerns’ about Irish water charges  Irish TimesThe European Commission has expressed “concerns”...