Global News

Oroville council begrudgingly accepts cost of Bedrock Park...

Oroville council begrudgingly accepts cost of Bedrock Park swim lagoon repairs  Chico Enterprise-Record

PM calls for innovation in water management - Yonhap News...

PM calls for innovation in water management  Yonhap News Agency

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Save water and money with 8 easy ways to conserve water...

Save water and money with 8 easy ways to conserve water on Water Day and beyond  The Economic Times

Water: A Finite and Valuable Natural Resource - BBVA OpenMind

Water: A Finite and Valuable Natural Resource  BBVA OpenMind

Legarda calls for sustainable water management on World...

Legarda calls for sustainable water management on World Water Day  EIN News

1 in 4 people in the world do not have access to clean...

1 in 4 people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water ...  NPR

Ending sewage dumping will mean higher water bills - report

The House of Lords report blames government, regulator and water companies for pollution.

UN warns against 'vampiric' global water use

A new report warning of "endemic" water scarcity is released ahead of a three-day water summit.

Rio Tinto becomes first major mining company to publish...

Rio Tinto becomes first major mining company to publish site-by-site ...  Business Wire

Africa’s aquifers hold more than 20 times the water stored...

Africa’s aquifers hold more than 20 times the water stored in the continent's lakes, but they aren’t the answer to water scarcity  The...